2 Ingredient Baked Banana Chips

Today’s recipe – baked banana chips.

Banana chip is one of my favorite snacks. It’s perfect to grab when you are on the go, and you want something quick and sweet.

On top of that, it’s really easy to make and it requires only 2 ingredients.

Okay, I need to give you a little tip for picking out the best bananas when making baked banana chips. Choose bananas that aren’t “pretty”. It may sound weird, but trust me. You want your bananas to be fully ripe because they contain TNF, which is a substance many scientists believe has the power and ability to fight cancer.

So choosing fully ripe bananas, not just when you are making baked banana chips, but when you are making a smoothie or baking banana bread. Just always go for the not so pretty bananas with brown spots on them. They are sweeter and nourish and benefit the body.

2 ingredient baked banana chips recipe

banana chips recipe

baked banana chips preparation

baked banana chips


2 bananas

1 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice


  1. Cut the bananas into thin slices.
  2. Toss them in a bowl filled with the lemon juice and some water. Let them stay in there.
  3. Cover a sheet pan with lightly greased baking paper.
  4. Place the banana slices on the baking paper and bake them at 200F for about 2 1/2-3 hours, flipping them over until they are crispy.

how to make baked banana chips

You can even take this recipe to the next level and add a bit of cinnamon on the slices before you place them in the oven.

The first time I made this recipe, I took the chips out of the oven a bit too early, and the slices were quite soft. So make sure you keep them in the oven until they are dry and crispy but roughly they need to bake for about 3 hours.

What did you think of this recipe? Have you made baked banana chips at home? Did you like it? Let me know in the comments below or send me a quick email.

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